Saturday, December 22, 2007

j'adore minette

J'adore minette

Opps is that dirty? My know it all sister had to tell me in the 6th grade the dirty meaning of my name in French. I took French classes through the 11th grade. I had three different French teachers over that time period and always imagined they snickered when they saw my name on the attendance list for the first time. Today on MySpace I found a French music video using my name in it's worst context.

Check it.

In my 8th grade French book there was a little cartoon picture of a kitten and its name was Minette that made me feel a little better about it all. My French teacher let me be the cat in the activity that went along with the picture (he was a rad dude).

College has only taught me that my name also has an unsavory meaning in Bulgarian. When my roomate told her Bulgarian boyfriend's mother my name she was a little shocked.
I'd say "I love minette" in Bulgarian only I don't know any Bulgarian. Well one word apparently.

So what do we think?
Heres the idea. Mens boxers that say "J'adore minette" and another pair that say I love minette in bulgarian whatever that would be. Perfect gift for my boyfriend right? Haha. No. But maybe marketable. Kind of a joke signiture collection piece. We're willing to wear any dirty thing Juciy Couture comes up with.

By the way, yeah that picture is totaly unrelated. Give me a break its my first post I'm not organized quite yet.

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