Monday, March 26, 2012

Ooh child, Things are gonna get easier

This is what I need someone to tell me. I can't say things are a bowl of candy right now. My strong cinical side keeps taking over and my little optimistic voice keeps getting shhed. I know things will turn though. When I am feeling low I try to reverse it my dressing in things that make me happy. I was feeling childlike vibes that the world is just a playground, no cares at all, as I slipped on this bright pink tule skirt, pastel sweatshirt, and plastic charm necklace. Just hoping those whimsical dreams that anything is possible will rub off on my attitute!

sweatshirt, shoes, belt- thrifted, necklace-vintage, heart ring- F21, bracelet- H&M, star ring- by me

1 comment:

  1. This outfit is the cutest, especially the necklace,it's the best!


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